Section: New Results

Fuzzy Knowledge Representation

Participant : Andrea Tettamanzi.

Andrea Tettamanzi has joined the Wimmics research team in September 2012, after winning a position as a full professor at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis. He got a PhD in Computational Mathematics and Operations Research in 1995 from the University of Milan with a thesis on evolutionary algorithms; he became assistant professor at the University of Milan in 1998 and associate professor at the same university in 2002.

His research interests focus on combining different methods of computational intelligence, namely evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logic, and neural networks, to solve real-world problems in the presence of imprecision, noisy data, and ill-defined optimization criteria, but also on the management of vagueness and uncertainty in knowledge representation, the automatic extraction of knowledge from data, possibility theory and its application to belief revision and goal generation in cognitive agents.

After joining Wimmics, Andrea Tettamanzi has continued work on previous collaborations with other members of the team, namely Serena Villata [76] , and has begun exploring with the rest of the team several research axes that could benefit from his contribution.